The Yin and Yang of Long-Term Relationships:

Tantra Rose
8 min readDec 25, 2023

Embracing Duality

In my relationship, my partner and I consciously embrace. our respective divine feminine and divine masculine energies. We recognize that we each have different strengths and roles to play within our partnership, and this understanding has allowed us to create a dynamic that is both harmonious and fulfilling.

For me, embracing my divine feminine energy means embracing my intuition, nurturing qualities, and creativity. I have learned to trust my instincts and tap into my inner wisdom, allowing me to bring a sense of emotional depth and compassion to our relationship. I find joy in cultivating a loving and supportive atmosphere, where my partner feels seen, understood, and appreciated.

On the other hand, my partner has embraced his role as the divine masculine within our relationship. He embodies qualities such as strength, leadership, and protection. He provides stability and structure, creating a safe space for both of us to express ourselves fully. His ability to take decisive action and provide guidance allows me to relax and trust in his abilities, knowing that we are working together as a team.

By honoring our unique strengths and roles, we have been able to create a balanced partnership where neither of us feels the need to do everything ourselves. We…



Tantra Rose

I am a Tantric life coach focused on inner child work. I am a submissive woman in a D/s, CGL relationship where I am safe to embrace my inner child.