Surrender as a Spiritual Path: Can this concept improve your relationship?

Tantra Rose
5 min readSep 11, 2023

Welcome to a transformative exploration of the role of submission within tantric Buddhism. I invite you to join me on a path of self-discovery, growth, and spiritual awakening as we delve into the profound dynamics of trust, surrender, and devotion within the context of a Dominant/submissive relationship. Through my personal experiences with Daddy, I will share insights into the transformative potential of submission as a sacred service.

Embracing Sacred Service:

Within the world of tantric spirituality, sacred service holds a deep and profound meaning. It involves offering oneself in humble service to the spiritual path, awakening oneself and others. In the context of my journey with Daddy, sacred service takes on an intimate form, where submission becomes a cherished aspect of this transformative journey.

Inspired by tantric Buddhism, sacred service entails cultivating qualities such as humility, selflessness, and dedication. It is about surrendering one’s ego and desires to a higher purpose, with the intention of benefiting all beings. In my relationship with Daddy, submission becomes a powerful form of sacred service, where I willingly surrender to his guidance and authority, trusting him completely.



Tantra Rose

I am a Tantric life coach focused on inner child work. I am a submissive woman in a D/s, CGL relationship where I am safe to embrace my inner child.