Finding Sexual Liberation Through Inner Child Work

Tantra Rose
7 min readDec 29, 2023

When we talk about embracing our inner child and sexual freedom, it might raise some eyebrows or make you wonder what we’re really getting at. But let’s clear things up right away. We’re not talking about trying to be kids again, nor are we suggesting anything inappropriate. It’s about tapping into that sense of wonder, playfulness, and joy that we often associate with our childhood. It’s about reconnecting with the real you, before life’s ups and downs, traumas, and society’s expectations took their toll. In this blog post, I will try to explain how embracing your inner child, curiosity, and ditching shame can lead to a more liberated and fulfilling sexual experience. Trust me, this inner child work has the power to transform not only your sexuality but your whole life.

Rediscovering Joy: Reconnecting with Your Inner Child

In a society that often emphasizes the need for seriousness and the pressure to have all the answers, we can easily lose touch with the sense of adventure and exploration that defined our childhood. As adults, we may feel the weight of expectations and the belief that we should already know everything there is to know about ourselves and our sexuality. However, the truth is that there is still so much to discover, experience, and enjoy.



Tantra Rose

I am a Tantric life coach focused on inner child work. I am a submissive woman in a D/s, CGL relationship where I am safe to embrace my inner child.